Arlington Goodtimes Chorus Project
Enhancing the Online Presence of a Local Choir Group

Overview of Arlington Goodtimes Chorus Project
The Arlington Goodtimes Chorus is a local choir group that meets in a church once a week and has a few special events throughout the year such as their spring showcase. Their webmaster is a retired professor of computer science from UTA and he wanted some students with skills in design and user experience to help him improve the Chorus's site. We wanted to make a contemporary-looking website that would be easy for the chorus members to maintain even if they have limited technical skills.

This shows the proposed sitemap with the options for members to access the database with sheet music and videos that was meant to replace the Google Drive the Chorus currently uses. It also shows the admin Nav and all of the special options admins get.

This is what the site looked like before we helped out with it
The new and improved Goodtimes Chorus site!
The new website caters to a diverse audience, including Chorus members and potential supporters. It provides an improved user experience for an older demographic and features a reorganized menu for easier navigation. More information on this topic can be found in the business proposal document.
I was in charge of backend development and I made all of the site myself. This included a user database that allowed users to log into the website via sessions and if they had admin status add new photos or videos to the database and the /img folder on the server that would then go to either the photos or videos pages. Admin users could also add new users and the site used Ajax to communicate with the database in real-time and send a message via javascript if the username they wanted to add was already taken. The database was also designed to be scalable as the chorus had expressed interest in moving files stored on Google Drive to their own personal website, but this feature was not viable to develop in the time frame.