Cover Letter

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in working at your company. As a recent graduate of the University of Texas at Arlington, with a BA in Communication Technology and a Minor in Computer Science, I am excited to contribute my diverse skillset and passion for coding to a dynamic and innovative organization.

Throughout my time at UTA, I went above and beyond my curriculum by taking additional computer science classes, which allowed me to further develop my coding abilities and problem-solving skills. This dedication has set me apart from other candidates, as evidenced by my track record of delivering robust and bug-free projects. I have successfully created multiple database-backed responsive websites that demonstrate my commitment to project completion and showcase my technical prowess.

One notable project I completed was the redesign of the Arlington Goodtime Chorus Website. I implemented a user database system that grants access to both regular members and administrators. Admins have the ability to add new members, with real-time database checks using AJAX, as well as upload content such as images, which are stored in a database. The relational database I designed is scalable and optimized for potential future features. Additionally, I developed a fully-functional forum with a comprehensive content moderation system as part of a previous term project.

A testament to my dedication and self-reliance, my professor commended me as the student he never had to worry about. I have a proven ability to teach myself new concepts and technologies, which is evident in my impeccable performance in challenging homework assignments. While I am not afraid to seek help when needed, I consistently approach problem-solving with a proactive mindset.

While my technical skills are strong, I also bring a unique set of communication skills, honed through my Bachelor of Arts degree. I excel in written communication, crafting reports with clarity and conciseness. I possess a deep understanding of business dynamics and the psychological factors that drive consumer behavior, allowing me to seamlessly collaborate with teams from various departments, as I comprehend their goals and objectives. Furthermore, I am confident in my presentation skills, able to articulate myself with gravitas and effectively convey complex concepts.

In my current role, I consistently display initiative and a drive for innovation. I have successfully streamlined existing systems, offering fresh and out-of-the-box ideas to enhance efficiency. My colleagues view me as an invaluable source of inspiration and appreciate my tireless commitment to finding innovative solutions.

I am excited about the opportunity to join your team and contribute my well-rounded skillset, commitment to education, and pursuit of excellence. I am confident that my passion for technology, strong communication abilities, and constant drive for innovation align perfectly with your organization's goals. I would be honored to contribute to your mission and empower your team through my unique talents.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experiences can contribute to the success of your company.

Reed Marshall